01. Titanium white |
02. Chrome yellow pale |
03. Chrome yellow deep |
04. Chrome yellow orange |
05. Naples yellow reddish |
06. Scarlet vermilion |
07. Carmine |
08. Alizarine lake |
09. Magenta |
10. Cyan blue |
11. Turquoise |
12. Cobalt blue |
13. Ultramarine |
14. Prussian blue |
15. Violet lake |
16. Bright green |
17. Emerald green |
18. Sap green |
19. Yellow ochre |
20. Raw sienna |
21. English red |
22. Burnt sienna |
23. Raw umber |
24. Burnt umber |
25. Vandyke brown |
26. Ivory black |
Opacity and glazing properties
The opacity of a pigmented colour is not only depending on the thickness of the colour application but also on the kind and concentration of the pigment as well as on the kind binder in the colour. all colours have been submitted to the same testing method: satndardized application on black and white striped saturated base. this allows a classification with the following 4 symbols:
opaque Semi-opaque Semi-transparent Transparent
This describes the durability of a colour in daylight. A number of influencing factors play a role too, like intensity of sunlight, temperature, moisture, oxygen or gas content of the air.
8 - Excellent 7 - Very good 6 - Good
Color Index and Pigments names
The Color Index system is an international standard to denominate dyes and pigments. A combination of letters and numbers indicate the colour category. For example: PO 20, means Pigment Orange 20. Color Index names are: PW (Pigment White) / PY (Pigment Yellow) / PO (Pigment Orange) / PR (Pigment Red) / PV (Pigment Violet) / PB (Pigment Blue) / PG (Pigment Green) / PBr (Pigment Brown) / PBk (Pigment Black).