Oil Solid

01. Blending colourless Impasto

02. Titanium white

03. Naples yellow
PW6, PY3, PY42

04. Naples yellow reddish
PW6, PY3, PY83, PR254

05. Primary yellow

06. Lemon yellow

07. Cadmium yellow (hue)

08. Cadmium orange (hue)

09. Cadmium red (hue)

10. Carmine

11. Alizarin madder lake

12. Magenta (Primary red)

13. Rose

14. Violet
PW6, PV23

15. Royal blue
PW6, PB15:1

16. Cobalt blue (hue)
PW6, PB15:6

17. Phthalo blue (Prim. blue)

18. Ultramarine blue

19. Prussian blue

20. Turquoise aquamarine
PW6, PG7, PB15:0

21. Permanent green
PY83, PB27

22. Cinnabar green
PW6, PG7, PY74

23. Emerald green

24. Sap green
PB15:3, PR254, PY83

25. Chromium oxide green

26. Sepia
PY42, P036, PBk7

27. Mars yellow

28. Mars orange

29. Sanguine

30. Mars red

31. Mars bordeaux

32. Mars brown

33. Mineral grey
PW6, PY42, PBk11

34. Payne's grey (medium)
PW6, PB29, PB15, PBk11

35. Graphite

36. Vine black


Opacity and glazing properties

The opacity of a pigmented colour is not only depending on the thickness of the colour application but also on the kind and concentration of the pigment as well as on the kind binder in the colour. all colours have been submitted to the same testing method: satndardized application on black and white striped saturated base. this allows a classification with the following 4 symbols:

  opaque  Semi-opaque   Semi-transparent  transparent


This describes the durability of a colour in daylight. A number of influencing factors play a role too, like intensity of sunlight, temperature, moisture, oxygen or gas content of the air.

8 - Excellent  - Very good  - Good

Color Index and Pigments names

The Color Index system is an international standard to denominate dyes and pigments. A combination of letters and numbers indicate the colour category. For example: PO 20, means Pigment Orange 20. Color Index names are: PW (Pigment White) / PY (Pigment Yellow) / PO (Pigment Orange) / PR (Pigment Red) / PV (Pigment Violet) / PB (Pigment Blue) / PG (Pigment Green) / PBr (Pigment Brown) / PBk (Pigment Black).

ECO Sets

Basic shades

Traditional shades

Greyscale shades

Oil Solid

OIL SOLID – a handmade paint in the form of bars based on linseed oil, natural waxes and high-quality artistic dry pigments. Their soft texture and consistency allow to inspire artists, bringing additional values ​​to their artistic expression: color, trace, texture, depth, gesture,  and direct contact with the surface  during the painting creation . They can be applied   with a paint knife, a brush or just vigorously pushed along the entire surface. OIL SOLID can be thinned with linseed oil, oil paint media or mineral solvents. You can mix them with oil paints in tubes. You can use it for drawing directly on carton and paper. You can dip them in an oil stand, in Fluix gel retarder, or in alkyd media to increase transparency or add body. OIL SOLID were created by artists for artists. They represent a creative and dynamic artistic dimension for paints intensity, opening up new possibilities for artistic exploration. The colours of OIL SOLID are fundamentally different from oil pastels or oil crayons due to their unique formula. Each of the 36 colours is created by blending high-quality dry pigments with linseed oil and carefully selected waxes. OIL SOLID is a high-quality oil paint in the form of a round bar-stick, which allows you to create   your own, unique method of painting technique. When working with our OIL SOLID, there is nothing between the artist and the canvas – not even a brush, and the creative possibilities of application are enormous. Starting from making preliminary sketches that can then be repainted, to creating sgrafitto effects, where the color is thickly applied and then scratched and drawn. At the same time, the flexibility of the OIL SOLID coating gives  a varied and attractive creative range. OIL SOLID guarantees the artist a soft, creamy texture along with the freedom and directness of pastels or charcoal.


BLENDING OIL SOLID – the range is completed with a colorless oil bar made of  transparent pigments. It is designed for blending, mixing individual OIL SOLID colours and  traditional oil paints, and for creating scumble underpainting.
