


01. Titanium white

02. Antique White
PW6 PY42

03. Naples yellow
PW6 PY42 PY1

04. Lemon yellow

05. Medium yellow
PY3 PY74

06. Deep yellow

07. Orange yellow
PY74 PO5

08. Vermilion
PO5, PR112

09. Bright red

10. Magenta

11. Carmine
PR170 PR122

12. Yellow ochre

13. Raw ochre

14. Bright green

15. Deep green
PY74 PG7

16. Phthalo green

17. Chromium oxide green

18. Sap green

19. Sky blue
PW6 PB15:1 PG7

20. Phthalo blue

21. Ultramarine

22. Navy blue
PB15:1 PV23 PBk11

23. Violet

24. Burnt Sienna
PR101 PBk11

25. Raw brown

26. Vandyke brown
PR101 PBk11

27. Lamp Black

28. Silver
PW15 PW20 PBk11

29. Platin
PW15 PW20

30. Light gold
PW20 PR101

31. Deep gold
PW20 PR101

32. Copper
PW20 PR101

33. Brass
PW20 PR101

34. Pastel ivory
PW6 PY42 PR101

35. Flesh tint light
PR170 PR122

36. Flesh tint deep
PW6 PR2 PR122

37. Bordeaux
PR170 PR122 PR101 PB29

38. Royal blue
PW6 PB15:3 PY42

39. Turquoise blue
PW6 PG7 PB15:1

40. Cobalt blue (phthalo)
PW6 PB15:1

41. Pastel blue
PW6 PB15 PG7

42. Renesans blue
PW6 PB29 PG7

43. Green earth
PW6 PB15:3 PG8

44. Venetian green
PW6 PB29 PG8

45. Renesans green
PW6 PB15 PG8

46. Ultramarine green
PB15:3 PG7

47. Raw umber
PR101 PBk11

48. Burnt umber
PR101 PBk11

49. Reflex yellow (fluo)*
Reflex yellow

50. Reflex orange (fluo)*
Reflex orange

51. Reflex vermilion (fluo)*
Reflex red

52. Reflex magenta (fluo)*
Reflex magenta

53. Reflex rose (fluo)*
Reflex pink

54. Reflex green (fluo)*
Reflex green

55. Reflex blue (fluo)*
Reflex blue

56. Reflex white (fluo)*
Reflex white

57. Phosphorescent green*
Phosphorescent green

58. Silver gold*
PW20 PR101

59. Antique gold*
PW20 PR101

60. Pearl rose*
PW20 PR266

61. Pearl violet*
PW20 PV23

62. Pearl turquoise*
PW20 PG7 PB15:3

63. Pearl ultramarine*
PW20 PW15:3

64. Pearl green*
PW20 PG7

65. Steel*
PW20 PBk11

66. Micaceous red*
Micaceous red

67. Micaceous blue*
Micaceous blue

68. Micaceous green*
Micaceous green

69. Micaceous violet*
Micaceous violet

70. Iron grey*
Iron grey

71. Mineral grey light
PW6 PY42 PR101 PBk7

72. Mineral grey deep
PW6 PY42 PBk7

73.Yellow-red bicolour*


75.Yellow-green bicolour*

76.Blue-purple bicolour*

77.Red-purple bicolour*

78.Green-blue bicolour*

79.Transparent colour-  Impasto*

80.Turquoise green*
PW6 PB15:3 PG7

81.Greyish blue*
PW6 PB15:1 PV23 PBk7 PB29

82.Purple ultramarine*
PW6 PV23

83.Olive green*
PY42 PY74 PG7


* Available in 500 ml pot

Opacity and glazing properties

The opacity of a pigmented colour is not only depending on the thickness of the colour application but also on the kind and concentration of the pigment as well as on the kind binder in the colour. all colours have been submitted to the same testing method: satndardized application on black and white striped saturated base. this allows a classification with the following 4 symbols:

@opaque Semi-opaque Semi-transparent transparent


This describes the durability of a colour in daylight. A number of influencing factors play a role too, like intensity of sunlight, temperature, moisture, oxygen or gas content of the air.

III - Lightfastness 8 II - Lightfastness 7 I - Lightfastness 6 0 Limited 00 Less 000 Not

Color Index and Pigments names

The Color Index system is an international standard to denominate dyes and pigments. A combination of letters and numbers indicate the colour category. For example: PO 20, means Pigment Orange 20. Color Index names are: PW (Pigment White) / PY (Pigment Yellow) / PO (Pigment Orange) / PR (Pigment Red) / PV (Pigment Violet) / PB (Pigment Blue) / PG (Pigment Green) / PBr (Pigment Brown) / PBk (Pigment Black).

Acrylic colours A'KRYL in sets

Acrylic colours A'KRYL in 6 colour set

Acrylic colours A'KRYL in 12 colour set


Renesans A’KRYL is a new paint line made for artists, students, and amateurs looking for good quality for a reasonable price. All colours were specially prepared to obtain maximum semimatte and colour purity. They contain a high quantity of pigments resistant to light with a high opacity level. After drying, the colours produce a slightly satin effect. They are easy to mix with each other and other acrylic paints.

A’KRYL Renesans paints are available in plastic tubes, are light, and are convenient in travel and storage. They are available at a reasonable price and efficient. The range includes 70 paint colours, including metallic, phosphorescent, and fluorescent colours available in 100 ml tubes and 48 paint colours available in 200 ml tubes, including metallic colours.
